Crafers Village Design Guidelines

The design guidelines aim to create a best practice approach to planning and development in Crafers over the next few decades.

They are intended to support and reinforce the development controls contained in the Adelaide Hills Council Development Plan. These guidelines are not prescriptive, but are intended to provide ideas and opportunities that maintain and enhance the village character.

This document combines detailed site analysis and community feedback, as well as initiatives from key stakeholders and the Council.

The intention of the guidelines is to create a visionary ‘big picture’ framework that demonstrates the potential of the Crafers Village. The aim is that regeneration and future development is aligned, consistent and meets the community’s vision for Crafers.


view guidelines


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  • Location: Crafers, SA
  • Project: Design Framework
  • Client: Adelaide Hills Council
  • Completion: Current
  • Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Country: Peramangk