Prospect Road Revitalised
The Prospect Road upgrade at Kilburn and Blair Athol is complete and it is great to see the revitalised precinct in action at the recent opening event.
Drawing on the rich and diverse culture of the local community, new public spaces have been designed to reduce the impact of vehicles and increase places for people in the area.
WAX worked with the community and the City of Port Adelaide Enfield to create a conceptual overlay of rugs and carpets at each intersection through the use of new paving, street furniture, garden beds and trees. The designs create a sense of welcome and gathering for the growing community.
The involvement of Sam Songailo, supported by Guildhouse, has resulted in a series of unique paving artworks and street lighting that build on the conceptual design and reinforce the emerging cultural character of the street.
Wallbridge Gilbert Aztec (WGA), the project engineers, ensured the project met the highest engineering and traffic management standards. LCS Landscapes worked closely with Council’s project manager to deliver the integrated urban design values of the project. The care and skill shown by LCS and Anyscape paving contractors ensured that the complex patterns of the paved carpet artworks were realised.