Port Lincoln Foreshore Playspace
The playspace is the first project delivered as part of the Port Lincoln Foreshore redevelopment, transforming the city’s coastal edge into a vibrant, well connected and contemporary waterfront destination. This new adventure playspace is part of a broader activity precinct, which includes the foreshore plaza regeneration, jetty refurbishment, toilet upgrade, recreation activity node and Parnkalla Trail repairs.
A key focus of the project is inclusion and the provision of a connected play and recreation destination where there is ‘something for everyone’, regardless of age or ability. An elevated walkway, which nestles in the existing shade and wind protection of the significant Norfolk Island Pines, connects users physically to a high tunnel slide, rope climb and challenge play opportunities. The walkway visually connects users to the ocean, with views of the jetty and wharf beyond.
The design of the playspace and walkway uses Barngarla fish traps as a key design metaphor with rock, decks, mesh, ropes, water play, funnels and tunnels reflecting the creativity and function of the traps.
WAX worked collaboratively with the Yailgoo Aboriginal Arts Group partnering with Eyre Arts Action Inc. throughout the project, interweaving Barngarla storytelling and integrating their art installations developed over the course of the project. Artworks include a mosaic fish trap as part of the stone water play, local fish sculpture inlays, shell discoverables, use of local language and Port Lincoln’s first ‘welcome to country’, along with beautiful marine animal paintings.